Digital images taken by Judkin Browning
Spring Creek, NC [1], July 12, 1863
Gov. Z.B. Vance
Dear Sir as I has taken a notion to give you a few hints of what is now going on in the Madison Mountains[.] well in the first place I will Say to you that there is But few men here that is allowed to show their heads but there is a many a one in the mountains that has deserted the army and they are sckulking about in the worst places to keep from Being Seen By good and loyal Citazens[.] they are commiting Some very low down tricks Such as Robing hen Roosts killing cattle in these mountains[.] Some of these very tricks has been done here of late and not more than 3 or 4 miles from my house[.] we git out some times in Serch of these unlawful Rascals and Some Times we come a cross a few of them but generally they manage So as not to let us git Sight of them[.] we can often find their camps but the game gone, there is Some of us here that thinks it would be very proper to appoint a certain portion of the militia for to guard agains these vile Rascals for Each one of these mountain counties[.] if there is not some thing of this sort done our families here will fare but Bad when the militia are all taken away from here[.] this is the belief of your humble Servant and the Citazens Generally in these parts[.] what think you of it old friend[?] I wish to have an answer from you one of these days on this matter and See if your notion is not the Same[.] we use to agree very well in politics and I should not be Surprised if we agree in this once you git to fully understand it[.] I believe that i have about spun out So I will Close for the present[.] look for me as soon as is Convenient for me to leave my sick Wife I Remain you Obt Servt as Ever
J.G. Reynolds [2]
Z B Vance
I Send you two peices in one Envelop
[1] Spring Creek is in the western part of mountainous Madison County, North Carolina
[2] James Green Reynolds (1821-1902) was a farmer in Madison County, who served as a private in Company H, 2nd Battalion N.C. Infantry from July 4, 1861 until he was discharged on May 1, 1863. Manarin, comp., North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster (1971), 3:338; 1860 U.S. Census.